23 March 2007

Thank God its Friday

It has been a hell of a week. I’m glad it’s over. My daughter is visiting her dad in Philly, so I’ve been by myself.  Woo Hoo!  You’d think I would have gotten a lot done.  Nope.  I fear that I went through a couple of horrible days at work, where I ended up in bed rather early. 


Oh then came Wednesday.


I was on my way to a car dealership, since I knew the 1998 Taurus I was driving had seen better days, and I would be lucky to get any trade in dollars for it.  Well, here I am, cruising down Atlantic Ave, when smoke is pouring out from under the hood. I pull into the turning lane, because I was right at Pep Boys.  Dropped it there for an cooling system diagnostic, and walked three blocks to the nearby car dealership.  That wasn’t so bad.  They want $1500 down, which is a little more that I was planning, but not as bad as I thought it would be…you see, I have bad credit.  But I’m happy to say, I’m on the far side of bad, and I can see the end of the tunnel, when I will have “fair” credit, which will naturally pave the way back to “good” credit.  So I’ve got to come up with some cold hard cash to put as a down payment, and in the meantime, I’m without a vehicle.  Or, if I drive the Taurus, I’m in danger of blowing up.  That was enough to scare me. The repair bill on the Taurus was approximately $2600 dollars.  I’m better off with the $1500 down and having a new(er) car that has a warranty, versus a repair bill on a car that will more than likely need something else in a few months.


I have spent some time writing. I need to take some time this weekend to organize my notes.  I’ve been playing around with WriteItNow and Liquid Story Binder.  I have Write Way Pro installed, but the evaluation period is over.  I’ll let you know which program I decide to actually keep.  Right now, I’m leaning towards WriteItNow.


More later….

1 comment:

Kamala said...

Hey Deb. Thanks for visiting my Blog. I thought I would swing by yours. Sorry to hear about the car.

Concerning writing programs. I have Write Way Pro...I like it but just use Word instead of the fancy programs unless you have a large story arch going on. You get caught up in setting up your story information that takes away from the most importanting thing WRITING!
Take Care.