I was feeling a little sick on Sunday, but didn’t think anything of it. After a horrible night of trying to sleep, I dragged myself into work. By 1PM I was outta there. Don’t quite remember getting home, but apparently I made it in one piece. I fell asleep thinking that it was way too bright outside and daylight savings really sucked. So with a head cold, and the time change, I’m feeling out of sorts. I feel like I’m viewing the world through gauze. Nothing seems really clear. Should be a good time for writing, you would think.
Made it to work today, (which is why I’m posting via email, damn those website watchers) and if I could crawl under my desk for a nap, I would. I can’t even enjoy the 80 degree weather we’re having today. Yes I’m bragging…this is the reason for living in
I wonder how effective and productive I am actually being today. I don’t feel like I’ve done anything, and honestly, couldn’t care less right now. I just want to lie down and relax. I’ve started reading Lisey’s Story by Stephen King. I don’t know if I’m going to like this one…but it is Mr. King, so perhaps it is just slow starting. I just finished Whiskey Sour by J. A. Konrath, which I really liked. I definitely plan on checking out the other books in this new series.
I like series’ characters. I like investing the time in getting to know characters and wondering where their story goes next. The best books (and characters) are those I’m still thinking about long after I’ve finished the book. Those are the kinds of characters that I hope to create. I want my readers to care and/or identify with my characters.
I have a character named Erika. She is a doormat, plain and simple. But the story is about her changing from doormat to independent woman. My biggest problem seems to be plotting…figuring out the “trigger” that makes her decide she doesn’t want to be a doormat anymore. Not that she realizes just how much of a doormat she really is. I’ve got plot points by the ton, things are happening…it’s just that opening catalyst that I have trouble with. What makes her want to change NOW?