10 June 2007

writing and reading

I was a reader long before I was a writer.

And I think finally after all this time, the reader and writer in me are working together. I still read for pleasure, but the writer in me gets her word in as well. I am noticing what other writers do. The technique of craft--foreshadowing, worldbuilding, “show, don’t tell”. I know what they are, but to see them at work in a novel still surprises and amazes me. And I am learning how to pick those things out, and say “Ah hah! So that’s how it’s done! Cool.”

I love characters. Nothing showcases characters better than a series. I love me some series! Stardoc, Harry Dresden, Black Dagger Brotherhood, Crimson City. Yup, characters that evolve, and a world I learn more about with each book...gotta love it. Those are the kind of characters I hope to create with my own writing. I don’t know that I’m there yet, but I am starting to get close.

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