01 May 2007

looking back

This evening I've been doing some long overdue purging of stuff. Various outdated emails, and such, and of course old projects that I started (and never finished). I found a dear friend's email to me, back at the end of 2001. He said, "You write clean ... reads like you've been publishing for a while....I'm impressed...and you're handling 1st person very well." I don't even remember what I sent him, but damn, what a boost to my confidence. Perhaps my fears are simply my own, and I just need to get over myself and write.

As even further proof that I at least have some talent, I read a small scene snippet that I wrote off the cuff. It was pretty good. Comparable to published work I've read, if I say so myself. LOL This was a pump up that I needed. I need to stop worrying so much about the mechanics and "get 'er done!'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love when I get a boost like that! Just when I think all I write is pure crap, I stumble across something that makes me think, "hey, this is actually pretty good!" Love that feeling! :)