17 May 2007

Been doing some brainstorming at Romance Divas. I've got conflict up the waa-zoo now! Erika is exciting me now. She is going to go through it, but it really works well for me. I'm hoping to get all these random ideas on paper this weekend. Next week I'll start working on scenes, and put together a tentative outline after that. Then comes the writing.

This will be the first time that I've actually planned before writing. I still have an unfinished NaNoWriMo novel that I'd like to finish, if only to tear it apart later. That book is a SF space opera, and I really like the world I've created. I plan to go back to that world again and again--maybe in a series, maybe not. Either way, it is a world I am not finished with yet.

Lately I find myself drawn to YA fiction. Perhaps because I have a tween at home, and anything that will encourage her to read is ok by me. My son has inherited the book gene times two from me. The girl...not so much. She is not a fast reader, and she starts books but doesn't finish them. We're going to work on that this summer. And both of them have inherited the bookstore gene. A simple trip to Barnes & Noble can easily become a 2-3 hour excursion. And if I don't give them a limit beforehand, each will come find me, with a stack of books they're carrying. LOL There are worse things I can spend money on!! And my kids are smart. They can get money from me much, much easier if we're in a bookstore, as opposed to Best Buy or in Game Stop.


Rachel Vincent said...

Deb! You received Stray today? Where from? Did you pre-order it?

Aaaaahhh! I'm not ready for this. ;-)

deb said...

LOL I received it from you! I won the contest on your blog!