04 April 2007

hump day

Tonight was Jericho. But I didn't watch it. I am 2 episodes behind, catching up on On Demand. I missed one, then babygirl was gone for a week, and I didn't want to watch it without her. We watched an episode monday night, but then between homework, and my being tired, we haven't finished the other 2 episodes. So now we're back to 3 episodes behind I guess.

I have not been writing, but I have been thinking about writing. My MC Erika, is not ready yet. I still need to work on her motivations, as well as the motivations for the other major characters. I am [finally] reading Goal, Motivation & Conflict by Debra Dixon. It is giving me a lot to think about. And I am realizing that Erika is only half-formed...she is not "real" yet. There is more I need to know before I move on to plotting.

I also have a couple of ideas (and characters) marinating. Jaylen is speaking to me again. She is the main character from my SF trilogy, that I started as a NaNoWriMo project back in 2001. I remember that I ended the month at 35K, continued writing, and petered out at around 75K. No plot in mind, but I've got an interesting story. I think it is almost time to dig for the gold, and see what I can salvage. The only thing I can be sure of is Jaylen, her two buddies, and the titles for each of the three books.

Related to that project is a short story--a sort of prequel if you will. It is not finished either (do you see a pattern here?) but it is already over 10K. This is another project that I'd like to come back to.

Aside from all this crowding my brain, I am also trying to...get organized. <--what a concept! I am the most disorganized person in the world. My attempts at becoming organized fall to the wayside when I get overwhelmed. I'm a great starter. A finisher...not so much. And that is what I want to change. Banish that procrastination demon! Well, I'm off to do some reading tonight. I have several books in my TBR pile, and they keep getting pushed back, because I can't stay out of the library. LOL My thought is..those books need to be returned, so they need to be read first. Makes sense, no?

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